The history of Cocos2d in a glimpse

Cocos2d (Python) In February 2008, at Los Cocos, Córdoba, Argentina, we started the “Los Cocos” Python game engine. We later renamed it Cocos2d. The idea was to create a game engine for the games we were creating for PyWeek. We started the game engine with Lucio Torre, Daniel Moisset, Rayentray Tappa, and I, with theContinue reading “The history of Cocos2d in a glimpse”

Integrating LiquidFun with Cocos2d-x: Part II

In Part I I described to how integrated LiquidFun with Cocos2d-x. In this part (part II) I’ll describe how to render the particles using a basic water effect. Part I uses just one glDrawArrays(GL_POINTS, 0, total); to draw the particles. And although that works to draw “particles”, it is not enough to draw “water”. DrawingContinue reading “Integrating LiquidFun with Cocos2d-x: Part II”

WWDC 2014 announcements as a game developer

At WWDC 2014, Apple announced new features for iOS and OS X. These are my thoughts: Swift Swift is a new programming language by Apple. At first sight, it seems to be easier to learn and easier to master than Objective-C. Objective-C is not particular difficult to learn and master, but its syntax looks foreignContinue reading “WWDC 2014 announcements as a game developer”

Integrating LiquidFun with Cocos2d-x: Part I

From LiquidFun’s site: Based on Box2d, LiquidFun features particle-based fluid simulation. Game developers can use it for new game mechanics and add realistic physics to game play. Designers can use the library to create beautiful fluid interactive experiences. Basically LiquidFun is Box2d plus an extension to simulate fluids using a particle system. To test it,Continue reading “Integrating LiquidFun with Cocos2d-x: Part I”

Dessert Dilemma: nuevo jueguito

Además de estar haciendo cocos2d y Sapus Tongue, estas últimas semanas estuve entretenido haciendo otro juego para Cocoa Touch Games: Dessert Dilemma. El juego consiste en llevar el postre a una parte del mantel, esquivando distintos objectos como tenedores, cuchillos, cucharas y platos. El genero es una suerte de puzzle + arcade, ya que elContinue reading “Dessert Dilemma: nuevo jueguito”

Tools usadas para el desarrollo de Sapus Tongue

a: MacBook, Xcode, cocos2d, pgu tile editor, Simulator, Firefox, Gmail, Gimp, iMovie, Audacity, afconvert, iTunes, Adium, más. b: cuaderno cuadriculado y una rollerball roja: prototipos, ideas, cuentas, sketches y más prototipos: 6 hojas de dibujos aprox. c: iPod Touch 1g, iPod Touch 2g, iPhone 1g: pruebas, y más pruebas d: filmadora (prestada, gracias Mana yContinue reading “Tools usadas para el desarrollo de Sapus Tongue”