Bluepad32 v4.0

Bluepad32 v4.0-beta.0 is released and contains many new features: Raspberry Pi Pico W support. BLE Service that allows a BLE client (mobile application) to configure Bluepad32. (BLE Client is still WIP) More polished documentation, hosted in readthedocs Better directory structure (easier to find files) Easier way to create your own platform. Examples for raw ESP-IDF, Pico W and Linux, which use the new way of creating platform. Github is not the official repo, and Gitlab is the backup (before it was the other way round). Some minor improvements in different places, and many bug fixes, that were discovered by just switching to CLion IDE.

February 5, 2024 · 1 min · ricardoquesada

Bluepad32 v3.7.0 released with Arduino IDE support

I’ve just released Bluepad32 v3.7.0 with two important features: Arduino IDE support In addition to ESP32, it also supports ESP32-S3 and ESP32-C3 (only BLE gamepads supported.) Details and more here:

April 24, 2023 · 1 min · ricardoquesada

Gamepad rumble support for the Commodore 64

I discovered a way to send 1-bit of data from the Commodore 64 to the Joysticks. And I use this one-bit of data to turn on/off the rumble in the gamepads through the Unijoysticle.

October 2, 2022 · 3 min · ricardoquesada

Bluepad32 v3.5 released!

I ’m happy to announce that Bluepad32 v3.5 has been released. It contains two new big features: Mouse support Console and many fixes & improvements here and there.

July 11, 2022 · 2 min · ricardoquesada

UniJoystiCle: Giving Eagle a try

I like Fritzing. I think it is great for small projects and it is very easy to use. But it has its limitations when creating the PCB, mostly because its component library is not very complete. Eagle, on the other hand, is more difficult to use. But its component library is very polished. Also, companies like Adafruit and SparkFun create components for Eagle, so that is a big plus if you purchase components from them. So, I re-wrote the schematic again in Eagle, and then created this PCB:

April 26, 2016 · 1 min · ricardoquesada

To MSDN or not to MSDN

A long time ago I was a Windows developer. I developed for user mode, kernel mode, win32 stuff, etc. And having a MSDN subscription was a must-have. Not only because Visual Studio was included, but also because you were able to download “debug” builds of the whole Operating System; and also you had access to all the Microsoft products in different localizations. The MSDN subscription was expensive, but it was worth it. ...

April 4, 2014 · 1 min · ricardoquesada

Installing Visual Studio

So, by now you should have Windows 8.1 up and running. The next thing is to install the Windows Phone SDK. A few days ago I tried the Windows Phone 8.0 SDK (it comes with Visual Studio Express 2012) and it works OK. But VS 2013 Update 2 RC (announced 2 days ago) already comes with the Windows Phone SDK 8.1 (which also allows you to develop for WP 8). This is good, because you don’t need to have two versions of VS installed in your machine in order to develop for Windows and Windows Phone 8. ...

April 4, 2014 · 1 min · ricardoquesada

Use Windows 8.1

You need Windows 8 in order to develop for Windows Phone 8. Windows 7 won’t work. But avoid Windows 8, it is confusing. Use Windows 8.1 instead. And boot directly into the “Desktop”. Avoid the annoying “Start” thing. Good news: the upgrade from 8 to 8.1 is free. You should know that there are many “flavors” of Windows: “RT”, “Regular”, “Pro”, “Enterprise”… just get the “Pro”. RT (Runtime) is the new name for Metro. ...

April 4, 2014 · 1 min · ricardoquesada

First tip

[caption id="" align=“alignnone” width=“361”] My dual boot Linux/Win machine. Not powerful enough for serious Win Phone development.[/caption] Get a good, dedicated Windows machine. Not like this one. VMWare / Parallels is OKish… but I wouldn’t recommend it. My current notebook has 2 big issues: Low performance and a low-quality trackpad. I remember when I switched from a Dell XPS 12" to a MacBook 13" around 2008. One thing that called my attention was the size of the MacBook’s trackpad: it was huge. And now it is the opposite: I find that most Windows notebooks have a crappy trackpad: too small and unresponsive. ...

April 4, 2014 · 1 min · ricardoquesada

First post

My background: I’ve been developing game engines & games for iOS for the past 6 years Two years ago I started developing for Android And this week I started developing for Windows Phone …and so my journey begins.

April 4, 2014 · 1 min · ricardoquesada