Introducing Unijoysticle 2 A500
Unijoysticle 2 A500 is a device that enables Bluetooth gamepads and mice on the Commodore Amiga.
Unijoysticle 2 A500 is a device that enables Bluetooth gamepads and mice on the Commodore Amiga.
Unijoysticle 2 Christmas 2019 update, with support for: Nintendo Wii Remote Nintendo Wii U Pro Controller Nintendo Wii Remote + Nunchuk extension Nintendo Wii Remote + Classic Controller extension Nintendo Switch Pro controller 8BitDo family: all modes supported (Switch, Windows, Mac, Android). iCade 8-bitty It also supports: ...
In order to create Commando 2084, I had to disassemble Commando. My original intention was to patch what was only needed and stop there. But I got carried away and I ended up analyzing and commenting the entire Commando code. The commented code (that can be recompiled to generate the exact original binary) is here:
Commando 2084 is the mix between Commando and Robotron 2084: it is like the original Commando game, but using the Robotron 2084 controls.
A few months ago I got an Atari 1040 STF. I knew nothing about it when I got it, except that it was a similar to the Amiga. The Atari ST, the Amiga and the Macintosh were computers released in the mid 80’s, all of them based on the Motorola 68k, and all of them came with a windows-based GUI. This was a revolutionary step compared to the 8-bit machines which were CLI text-driven. The base “ST” model includes: 8 Mhz Motorola 68000 CPU Yamaha YM2149 3-voice square-wave plus 1-voice white noise (mono) 512Kb or 1Mb RAM (520 vs 1040 models) 3 video modes: 320 x 200 x 16 colors (from a 512 color palette). 640 x 200 x 4 colors (from a 512 color palette) 640 x 400 x 2 colors (I believe this is only B/W) Midi In / Out: Apparently a killer feature for musicians. Compared with the 8-bit home computers like the C64/C128, the Atari ST is a good improvement. From only 64K/128K RAM to 512K (or 1024K) RAM, an 8 Mhz CPU (vs. 1 or 2 Mhz) and Midi. But there are no hardware sprites (no blitter), and the music is chiptune, like in the C64. The C64 SID chip might be even better. The video modes are OKish. Having a 320x200 @ 16 colors from a palette of 512 is nice, but not that impressive. It is worth noting that the Atari ST (like the Amiga and the Macintosh) don’t have “text video modes”, they only have “graphic” ones.
Updated 2018–10–08 A demo for the IBM PCjr by Pungas de Villa Martelli. It was presented at Flashparty 2018 and won the Demo category. Requirements An IBM PCjr with at least 64k RAM. Download Source code: Binary: (does not run on emulators) Technical description The demo is divided in the boot loader and demo 3 parts ...
The Cromemco System Three is a Z-80 based computer. Which is nice, because I always wanted to learn Z-80 (this is my second Z-80 computer, the other one is a MSX2). But What I like about the Cromemco is how well-built it is. I love it. The computer is that not big, but it is a very heavy computer. At the moment I don’t have the needed cables to test it. If I can’t find them, I might be able to build them myself (or not). If manage to get the cables, and provided that the computer works, I promise to write a game or something for it :) Photos: [caption id="" align=“alignnone” width=“512”] Cromemco System Three[/caption]
A few months ago we ( Pungas de Villa Martelli) released the 4Kindness, a 4K intro for Silesia Party 8. And recently we released its source and a tutorial detailing how we built it. Without further ado, here it is: C64 Assembly Tutorial - Part II (english) C64 cursito de asembler - Parte II (castellano) Full source code Binaries: 4kindness.d64 If you have doubts/questions about it, let us know!
Me encuentro confundido, perdido espiritualmente. Pensé que Dios me estaba dando mensajes claros y simples, para que una persona como yo los entienda sin ambigüedad alguna, mensajes claros como: “Hacé el UniJoystiCle para la PET. No pierdas tiempo en la Plus/4”. Pero hoy el vecino me entregó un paquete… ¿qué paquete? El paquete con la Commodore Plus/4 que yo pensé que algún ladronzuelo se había apoderado (yo el mal pensado, perdón ladronzuelo que no fuiste) Lo primero que hice es agradecer al vecino. Claro esta.
Volví de viaje. Llego a casa con ansias de encontrarme con la Commodore Plus/4 que había pedido por Ebay. El email decía que la habían dejado en la puerta de casa el viernes a las 3:54pm. Yo llegué a casa el sábado a las 11:58am. La busqué pero no la encontré. Ni en la puerta de casa. Ni en ningún lado. (Vaya sorpresa se habrá llevado el ladronzuelo al abrir la caja). Una tristeza enorme se apoderó de mi. Para ahogar mis penas me fui al Vintage Computer Festival. Fui a escuchar la charla de Commodore. Iban a estar Bil Herd, Leonard Tramiel, Chuck Peddle y demás commodorianos de la época 8-bit.