Disassembling 6502 code with Radare - Part II
Let’s crack a simple game. If you are not familiar with Radare, read Part I first. Creating and opening a VICE Snapshot file Let’s crack BC’s Quest For Tires since its copy-protection is easy to bypass. Unzip this file: http://tapes.c64.no/tapes/BCsQuestForTires.zip Open the tap file with VICE (the most popular Commodore 64 emulator), and.. …the game has some kind of copy-protection. If we enter invalid codes, we won’t be able to play the game. Since Radare supports VICE Snapshot File format, we can save an snapshot of the game, and analyze it with Radare. In VICE, go to the menu, Snapshot -> Save Snapshot Image… If we select “Save ROMs”, then the BASIC ROM and the KERNAL ROM will be saved inside the Snapshot file, and will be included as Radare sections. Radare VICE Snapshot File (VSF) support lets us inspect: The 64k RAM of the computer at the moment the snapshot was saved The BASIC and KERNAL ROMs in case they were saved. To open a VSF file, just pass the VSF file as the first argument: $ r2 bc_copy_protection_screen.vsf [0x00005689]> 0x00005689 is the PC (program counter) at the moment the snapshot was saved.