VChar64 v0.0.7 released

VChar64 v0.0.7 released. You can download it from here: Win32: Mac: vchar64-0.0.7.dmg Tarball: Github: New features: Added C64 Palettes: Pepto, VICE, CCS64, Frodo, Grayscale Copy + Paste using block selection Displays selected char on statusbar Ctrl+1, Ctrl+2, Ctrl+3, Ctrl+4 and Ctrl-M to select background, foreground, multicolor1, multicolor2 and Multicolor Mode Complete Changelog: CHANGELOG

VChar64 v0.0.6 released

VChar64 v0.0.6 released. You can download it from here: Win32: Mac: vchar64-0.0.6.dmg Tarball: Github: New features: Undo / Redo Dockable panes Saves/Restores the window state and geometry. First release that includes binaries! Complete Changelog: CHANGELOG

VChar64 v0.0.5 released

I’ve just released VChar64 v0.0.5. Download: Changelog: Max tile size is 8×8 (previous was 5×5) Right click works as paiting with background color Fixed compiler warnings Better name suggestions when saving and exporting files Added support for importing CharPad 2.0 files If chars were modified, it asks before quitting and before starting a new oneContinue reading “VChar64 v0.0.5 released”

VChar64: character editor for the Commodore 64

I started to code a unicycle game for the Commodore 64. The first thing that I realized was that I needed an game editor, so I started to code one: VChar64. Today I released v0.0.1 which has basic functionality but the functionality that it has, just work. You can download it from here: Download: Features:Continue reading “VChar64: character editor for the Commodore 64”