Building Quico: improved sound, gamepad, and more (part III)

This is the third blog-post regarding “building a video-game console for (my) kids”. See Part II: chiptune, and Part I: gamepad. Quico We have name: Quico. From now on, I’ll refer to this project as “Quico”: Quico (/ˈkiko/), short for Kids Console (or Kids Computer) Also, one of the main characters of El Chavo delContinue reading “Building Quico: improved sound, gamepad, and more (part III)”

Designing a modern retro console for (my) kids: Adding chiptune music

The ideal modern-retro video game console My goal is to build a video game console for (my) kids. I want to teach them programming in a fun way: fun for them… and also fun for me. The video-game console features are: Modern components, with a retro “spirit”. Easy to program, a must. Chosen: Python, inContinue reading “Designing a modern retro console for (my) kids: Adding chiptune music”