VChar64 v0.2.2 released and other news

VChar64 v0.2.2 released Download: Mac: vchar64-0.2.2.mac.dmg Win32: Source code: Release notes here: UniJoystiCle news I started working on the paddle/mouse support. I’m using an ESP32 instead of the ESP8266. Progress is documented here (spanish): UniJoystiCle + Paddle/Mouse support progress

January 8, 2017 · 1 min · ricardoquesada

The UniJoystiCle v0.4 released

Christmas is coming. Treat yourself with The UniJoystiCle v0.4, and be the cool kid in the block by playing The Uni Games like a pro (that’s it with real unicycles!): Highlights of v0.4 WiFi Device Smaller real estate: Fits in all C64/128 models, including the C128D / SX-64 machines Using Wemos D1 Mini instead of NodeMCU Blue instead of red

November 28, 2016 · 2 min · ricardoquesada

UniJoystiCle v0.4.0-RC released!

UniJoystiCle v0.4.0-RC (Release Candidate) released. Mega update! Download: iOS client v0.4.6: App Store Android client v0.4.10: Google Play macOS client v0.4.0: UniJoystiCle Controller.dmg win32 client v0.4.0: Firmware v0.4.5: unijoysticle_firmware.bin Source code + schematic + layout: Latest versions can be downloaded from here:

November 8, 2016 · 3 min · ricardoquesada

Retro Challenge: announcing Commodore Home

Home automation for the masses, not the classes We need to build computers for the masses, not the classes - Jack Tramiel, Commodore founder A: Commodore 64 computer running the “Commodore Home” application B: UniJoystiCle WiFi device connected to the joystick ports C: Alarm sensor using a WiFi device D: Smartphone running the UniJoystiCle Controller app with the Commodore Home plugin E: Commodore MPS 803 printer F: Pulleys + gears connected to the printer header + dimmer knot

October 31, 2016 · 6 min · ricardoquesada

RetroChallenge: Update #3 What’s new since last update: Gears to control the dimmer kind of working. They are somewhat fragile ATM. Desktop UniJoystiCle Controller working.

October 21, 2016 · 1 min · ricardoquesada

RetroChallenge: C64 I.D.IoT.R Update #2

Ordered a rubber belt + pulley to control the dimmer from the printer header New UniJoystiCle PCB arrived (v0.4.0). I assembled one and works Ok both on the SX64 and the C128D. I just need to create a “user port” power cable for the SX64 since it doesn’t have a datasette port. Started the UniJoystiCle desktop client in order to control the dimmer from the PC/Mac.

October 15, 2016 · 1 min · ricardoquesada

Retrochallenge: Building the C64 I.D.IoT.R

I started building the C64 I.D.IoT.R a few months ago, but never finished it. What better than to finish it for the Retro Challenge contest. C64 I.D.IoT.R is a smart light controlled from a C64. Its name means: C64: Commodore 64 I: Intelligent D: Dimmer IoT: Internet Of Things: R: RRRRR What I have done so far is this: (and is not part of the contest since I built it two months ago):

October 7, 2016 · 1 min · ricardoquesada

UniJoystiCle update #2

TL;DR Station Mode (with or without WPS) Inactivity timeout & Joystick statistics Auto-firmware upgrade Better ways to power the WiFi device Station mode and other features One thing that bothered me was that I needed to switch WiFi networks every time that I wanted to use the UniJoystiCle. Not a major issue, but not ideal specially if you use your phone both for the UniJoystiCle and for “regular” stuff. To solve that issue, I added WiFi Station mode support (Access Point mode is still supported). Basically the UniJoystiCle WiFi device, when in Station mode, can connect to any WiFi network. It also supports WPS (an auto-auth way to connect to a network). If Station mode fails, it will default to Access Point mode. In order to switch to Station mode you have to: Install firmware v0.4.3 (see below for more info) Boot the UniJoystiCle WiFi device (it will boot in Access Point mode) Connect to the unijoysticle-xxyyzz WiFi Network Open the web page: http://unijoysticle.local Select “Station” mode, put the credential (SSID and password) and reboot! From http://unijoysticle.local you can also configure the “Inactivity timeout”: how many seconds without activity should elapse before all the joystick lines are set to Low (simulates no joystick movements). I also added statistics: It tells you how many seconds you spent on the different joystick positions, and how many movements you did. Useful, right? :)

September 27, 2016 · 3 min · ricardoquesada

UniJoystiCle Commando Mode, Game Controllers and other news

Since UniJoystiCle v0.3 was released back in July many things were added. Android client: It has all the iOS features, except Gyruss mode which will be added soon. iOS client: It is available on the App Store.

September 13, 2016 · 2 min · ricardoquesada

UniJoystiCle news #1

I’ve just released a new firmware version for the UniJoystiCle (v0.4.0). It supports the new Commando Mode. The new Android client with Commando mode can be downloaded from here: The iOS client will be available as soon as Apple approves it (usually a few days) and will be available here: In order to upgrade the firmware, please follow these steps:

September 13, 2016 · 1 min · ricardoquesada