IBM PCjr: Zero-day Data-destroy vulnerability

An IBM PCjr with two joysticks. That’s all you need to destroy your data

IBM PCjr zero-day data-destroy vulnerability (AKA: Joykill).


This vulnerability allows local and remote attackers to destroy the contents of the floppy diskette. User interaction is required to exploit this vulnerability. The issue results from the lack of proper validation when starting the manufacturing system test.

Exploit (local):

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IBM PCjr BIOS dump

IBM PCjr BIOS dump

The IBM PCjr BIOS is very well documented in the IBM PCjr Technical Reference manual (a must read for every PCjr developer).

The only problem is that navigating that code is not easy. It has all the problems from scanned books:

  • the fonts don’t look good
  • no hyper-links
  • and difficult to search

So I dumped the BIOS and started analyzing it with IDA Pro – Free version. I added some of the original comments from the Technical Reference manual, and added some comments of my own.

If can browse it using either:

Or just clone the project from github:

This is still Work-in-Progress. I add comments in “let’s see how this portion of the BIOS work“-basis.


BTW, the Tandy 1000HX BIOS dump is here:

Update: Updated links

Tandy 64 Jr. – an intro for the IBM PCjr

Happy new year!

We (PVM) ported our Tandy 64 intro (originally designed for the Tandy 1000HX) to the IBM PCjr.

Requirements: IBM PCjr. with 256k RAM


Worth mentioning:

  • Runs flicker-free
  • Stable raster-bar, without garbage (world-first?)

Tandy 64, and intro for the Tandy 1000 and more

With PVM with released an intro for the Tandy 1000 HX.

The Tandy 1000 HX uses the Intel 8088-2 CPU. Which is a suuuuper slow CPU (slower than the 8086). With all its wait states and its limitations on the video card (no hardware sprites, no charset redefinition) it makes it comparable with a Commodore 64. In fact, for certain things a Commodore 64 if way faster.

Without further ado, this is the Tandy intro:

Source code here:

And we’ve just released another chipdisk, this time with Brazilian music:

Source code:


Commodore 64 Assembly Tutorial – Part II

A few months ago we (Pungas de Villa Martelli) released the 4Kindness, a 4K intro for Silesia Party 8. And recently we released its source and a tutorial detailing how we built it.

Without further ado, here it is:

If you have doubts/questions about it, let us know!

Actualizo: Ya no se que es lo que quiere Dios

Me encuentro confundido, perdido espiritualmente.

Pensé que Dios me estaba dando mensajes claros y simples, para que una persona como yo los entienda sin ambigüedad alguna, mensajes claros como:

  • “Hacé el UniJoystiCle para la PET. No pierdas tiempo en la Plus/4”.

Pero hoy el vecino me entregó un paquete… ¿qué paquete?
El paquete con la Commodore Plus/4 que yo pensé que algún ladronzuelo se había apoderado (yo el mal pensado, perdón ladronzuelo que no fuiste)

Lo primero que hice es agradecer al vecino. Claro esta.

Continue reading “Actualizo: Ya no se que es lo que quiere Dios”

Dios las prefiere PETs

Volví de viaje. Llego a casa con ansias de encontrarme con la Commodore Plus/4 que había pedido por Ebay. El email decía que la habían dejado en la puerta de casa el viernes a las 3:54pm. Yo llegué a casa el sábado a las 11:58am.

La busqué pero no la encontré. Ni en la puerta de casa. Ni en ningún lado.

(Vaya sorpresa se habrá llevado el ladronzuelo al abrir la caja).

Una tristeza enorme se apoderó de mi.

Para ahogar mis penas me fui al Vintage Computer Festival. Fui a escuchar la charla de Commodore. Iban a estar Bil Herd, Leonard Tramiel, Chuck Peddle y demás commodorianos de la época 8-bit.

Continue reading “Dios las prefiere PETs”

Long time no see: UniJoystiCle for all platforms

I’ve been busy. I still have no spare time to work on my retro projects, but I have a plan. And it can’t fail. I plan to port the UniJoystiCle + The Uni Games to the following platforms:

  • Commodore VIC 20: UniJoystiCle (single joystick) + The Uni Games
  • Commodore PET: UniJoystiCle in expansion port (single joystick) + The Uni Games
  • Commodore 128: UniJoystiCle (same as the C64) + The Uni Games in VCD mode using the Z80 CPU
  • Tandy 1000: UniJoystiCle + The Uni Games (graphics mode 320×200 16 colors)
  • Commodore 64: Add paddle support to the UniJoystiCle

Continue reading “Long time no see: UniJoystiCle for all platforms”

The history of Cocos2d in a glimpse

Cocos2d (Python)

In February 2008, at Los Cocos, Córdoba, Argentina, we started the “Los Cocos” Python game engine. We later renamed it Cocos2d. The idea was to create a game engine for the games we were creating for PyWeek.

PyCamp 2008. Centro Allen Gardiner, Los Cocos, Córdoba, Argentina

We started the game engine with Lucio Torre, Daniel Moisset, Rayentray Tappa, and I, with the help of Alejandro Cura and other members of PyAr.

Continue reading “The history of Cocos2d in a glimpse”

Commodore 64 Assembly Tutorial

A few months ago we released the Argentine Songbook Vol. 1 chipdisk. And recently we released its source code including:

  • Full source code (the assembly files + makefiles + everything…)
  • Full audio sources (the SidWizard files)

And we also wrote a tutorial about how write a chipdisk, including all the tricks that we used.

If you have doubts/questions about it, let us know!