Building Quico: improved sound, gamepad, and more (part III)

This is the third blog-post regarding “building a video-game console for (my) kids”. See Part II: chiptune, and Part I: gamepad. Quico We have name: Quico. From now on, I’ll refer to this project as “Quico”: Quico (/ˈkiko/), short for Kids Console (or Kids Computer) Also, one of the main characters of El Chavo delContinue reading “Building Quico: improved sound, gamepad, and more (part III)”

Designing a modern retro console for (my) kids: Adding chiptune music

The ideal modern-retro video game console My goal is to build a video game console for (my) kids. I want to teach them programming in a fun way: fun for them… and also fun for me. The video-game console features are: Modern components, with a retro “spirit”. Easy to program, a must. Chosen: Python, inContinue reading “Designing a modern retro console for (my) kids: Adding chiptune music”

Bluepad32: Gamepad support for ESP32

I’m happy to announce the release of Bluepad32: gamepad support for the ESP32. Bluepad32 is a firmware that runs in the ESP32 microcontroller. It supports all the modern Bluetooth gamepads like Sony (PS5, PS4, PS3), Microsoft (Xbox One S) and Nintendo (Switch, Wii) gamepads. Who is this for? This is for: …tinkers / makers /Continue reading “Bluepad32: Gamepad support for ESP32”