Tandy 64 Jr. - an intro for the IBM PCjr

Happy new year! We ( PVM) ported our Tandy 64 intro (originally designed for the Tandy 1000HX) to the IBM PCjr. Requirements: IBM PCjr. with 256k RAM Download: Binary: tandy64jr.zip Source code: https://github.com/c64scene-ar/tandy64/tree/ibm_pcjr Worth mentioning: Runs flicker-free Stable raster-bar, without garbage (world-first?)

January 3, 2018 · 1 min · ricardoquesada

Tandy 64, and intro for the Tandy 1000 and more

With PVM with released an intro for the Tandy 1000 HX. The Tandy 1000 HX uses the Intel 8088-2 CPU. Which is a suuuuper slow CPU (slower than the 8086). With all its wait states and its limitations on the video card (no hardware sprites, no charset redefinition) it makes it comparable with a Commodore 64. In fact, for certain things a Commodore 64 if way faster. Without further ado, this is the Tandy intro: ...

December 3, 2017 · 1 min · ricardoquesada

Commodore 64 Assembly Tutorial - Part II

A few months ago we ( Pungas de Villa Martelli) released the 4Kindness, a 4K intro for Silesia Party 8. And recently we released its source and a tutorial detailing how we built it. Without further ado, here it is: C64 Assembly Tutorial - Part II (english) C64 cursito de asembler - Parte II (castellano) Full source code Binaries: 4kindness.d64 If you have doubts/questions about it, let us know!

August 10, 2017 · 1 min · ricardoquesada

Commodore 64 Assembly Tutorial

A few months ago we released the Argentine Songbook Vol. 1 chipdisk. And recently we released its source code including: Full source code (the assembly files + makefiles + everything…) Full audio sources (the SidWizard files) And we also wrote a tutorial about how write a chipdisk, including all the tricks that we used. C64 Assembly Tutorial (english) C64 Assembly Tutorial (spanish) Full source code If you have doubts/questions about it, let us know! ...

March 16, 2017 · 1 min · ricardoquesada

VChar64 v0.1.0 released

This is mostly a bug-fix release, focused on improving the workflow. Download: Mac: vchar64-0.1.0.mac.dmg Win32: vchar64-0.1.0.win32.zip Source code: https://github.com/ricardoquesada/vchar64

July 15, 2016 · 1 min · ricardoquesada

UniJoystiCle v0.2 coming soon

UniJoystiCle v0.2 coming soon. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4d8Ow-SmCmM Changes in v0.2: [NEW] - ESP8266 device: supports 2 joysticks (uses three 4066 ICs instead of two [NEW] - ESP8266 firmware uses AP mode by default. Uses SSID “unijosyticle” + last 2 bytes of mac address [NEW] - iOS Client: Can be configured to use either joystick port [NEW] - iOS Client: Auto-discover ESP8266 firmware using mDNS [NEW] - iOS Client: UniJoystiCle mode also supports up, down and fire (jump) [FIX] - Name: Renamed project from Uni-Joysti-Cle to UniJoystiCle (easier to search, shorter to type) [FIX] - ESP8266 device: replaced NodeMCU LoLin with NodeMCU Amica [FIX] - Sophisticated Glue Material: Uses gaffer tape, instead of duct tape

April 23, 2016 · 1 min · ricardoquesada

VChar64 v0.0.13 released

Download: Mac: vchar64-0.0.13.mac.dmg Win32: vchar64-0.0.13.win32.zip Source code: https://github.com/ricardoquesada/vchar64 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lb7UNIhoyoI Changelog:

April 15, 2016 · 1 min · ricardoquesada

Announcing the Uni-Joysti-Cle™

The Uni-Joysti-Cle™: The first and only solution to play Commodore 64 video games with your unicycle. Unique immersive experience, much better than VR. It consists of five beautifully designed parts: The Uni Games video game for the Commodore 64 The Uni-Joysti-Cle™ WiFi receiver, and its firmware The Uni-Joysti-Cle™ smartphone application A unicycle Sophisticated glue material Find all the information about this revolutionary device here: /unijoysticle/ ...

April 6, 2016 · 1 min · ricardoquesada

C64 Remote Controller: Prototype v0.1 works!...

…or How to use a 64-bit machine to control a Commodore 64. No schematics or PCBs yet. But at least I have the materials that I’m using: One Lolin NodeMCU (should work with any other ESP8266 that have at least five GPIOs) Two 4066 ICs. I’m using this one. …and this is the software that I’m using both for the NodeMCU firmware and the iOS client: ...

April 1, 2016 · 1 min · ricardoquesada

C64 Remote Controller: NodeMCU vs. Adafruit Huzzah vs. SparkFun Thing vs...

Requirements for the c64 controller A micro-controller. I doesn’t need to be very powerful, just powerful enough to handle some UDP connections and configuring some GPIOs. Flash-able firmware: If possible with support for Arduino IDE (or similar). C++ preferred. Micropython could be a nice backup plan. WiFi Some GPIOs Which module to choose There many alternatives, and these are the ones that I evaluated: Arduino + WiFi shield or ESP8266: This is the first option that I evaluated thanks to different suggestions. But since the ESP8266 already comes with a flash-able firmware, there was no need to use the Arduino part. I discarded this option, but I liked the ESP8266 part. Adafruit Huzzah breakout ($9.95) / Adafruit Feather Huzzah ($15.95): An ESP8266 based module. I like Adafruit products since they are very well tested, they give you support, have very good documentation. But they are usually on the pricy side. All ESP8266 boards are supported by the Arduino IDE which is a very good thing. (I ordered one Feather Huzzah). SparkFun ESP8266 Thing ($15.95): Similar to the Feather Huzzah. NodeMCU (~$4.00): Very similar too Adafruit Huzzah and SparkFun ESP8266 Thing. I’m not sure who built the first module (Adafruit, SparkFun or NodeMCU), although I wouldn’t be surprised if NodeMCU was the first one. There is a lot of innovation in China in this area. NodeMCU comes with a firmware that supports Lua, which is nice for faster development. You should know that the Lua firmware could be installed in the other modules as well, and you can run C++ firmwares on NodeMCU as well. There are three different NodeMCU brands: Amica: Which seems to be the official one, although I didn’t know this when I decided to buy the LoLin. LoLin: It seems that it is no longer produced by WeMos. (I ordered one of this too). DOIT: I know nothing about it. Mini D1 (~$4.00): Another ESP8266-based module similar to the previous ones. It is produced by WeMos, the same as the NodeMCU LoLin. My theory is that WeMos realized that there was more money in trying to create their own ecosystem rather than just cloning NodeMCU. It has 11 GPIOs, instead of the 9 offered by Adafruit Huzzah, which is good (I ordered a few of this one too). There were other alternatives, like the SparkFun Particle Photon ($19.00), based on non-ESP8266 micro-controllers. They were a bit more powerful, but also more expensive. And don’t support the Arduino IDE. So, for the moment I discarded them.

March 27, 2016 · 5 min · ricardoquesada