VChar64 v0.2.0 released

VChar64 v0.2.0 is available for download: Win32: Mac: vchar64-0.2.0.mac.dmg [caption id="" align=“alignnone” width=“425”] New “VICE Import Snapshot” dialog[/caption]

August 29, 2016 · 1 min · ricardoquesada

More UniJoystiCle videos

Here are more UniJoystiCle videos: Showing how to play C64 games using a real Game Controller via the UniJoystiCle: Showing how to play Gyruss using the UniJoystiCle Gyruss mode:

August 21, 2016 · 1 min · ricardoquesada

UniJoystiCle v0.3 released!

Yeaaaaaaaaaah! UniJoystiCle v0.3 was released! It includes: A beautifully designed PCB A realistic Unicycle game for the Commodore 64 A the iPhone application which can be downloaded from the App Store

July 29, 2016 · 1 min · ricardoquesada

VChar64 v0.1.0 released

This is mostly a bug-fix release, focused on improving the workflow. Download: Mac: vchar64-0.1.0.mac.dmg Win32: Source code:

July 15, 2016 · 1 min · ricardoquesada

UniJoystiCle v0.2.1 released

[caption id="" align=“alignnone” width=“480”] v0.2.1 powered from a battery. Can be powered from USB as well[/caption] Changes in v0.2.1: Commodore 64 works Ok when the UniJoystiCle board is unpowered. The issue was that the 4066 chips were in an unknown state when they were unpowered. In v0.2.1 the 4066 ICs get power from the C64 Joy #2 port Smaller holes for the DC Jack making it compatible with “common” DC Jacks.

June 30, 2016 · 1 min · ricardoquesada

Repairing the Commodore 1581 floppy disk drive. Part 2

I assumed that the Commodore 1581 was failing because of a bad WD1772 IC (as documented in Part I). So I ordered a WD1772 replacement + the IC socket, I developed some basic desoldering skills, watched some desoldering videos, and also got a cheap desoldering iron from Radio Shack: So, I removed the board from the Commodore 1581 and started to desolder the IC. To my surprise the $11-buck desolder iron worked pretty well. I was able to remove all the solder from the the pins in a few minutes. The desolder iron just takes some time to reach the needed temperature, but besides that, it seems to be a great tool for occasional desoldering tasks (a hobbyist desoldering iron cost more than $250)

June 19, 2016 · 2 min · ricardoquesada

UniJoystiCle v0.2 released

Download(firmware, iOS client and schematics + board):

June 13, 2016 · 1 min · ricardoquesada

The quest for the sacred diskettes

[caption id="" align=“alignnone” width=“400”] My Sacred Diskettes[/caption] In 1986 (or was it 1987?) I got my first computer, a Commodore 64. I started learning BASIC and during ‘87 and ‘88 I created some very simple games. Somewhere in ‘88 I started learning assembly language ( machine language to be precise), but I don’t recall coding any game using this language. If so, it must have probably been due to the fact that I lacked a good monitor. Somewhere in 1989, I switched to the Commodore 128. Whereas I continued creating games using BASIC, I also started coding some games in assembly language, profiting from the built-in C128 monitor, which was pretty decent. In 1990 I started coding intros, doing some trainers, and re-cracking some games for a local computer shop (SADOI). And I kept doing that until 1992. I stored all that sacred info (my games, intros, re-cracks, trainers) in my diskettes. At the time, my diskettes were my most valuable possession.

June 6, 2016 · 4 min · ricardoquesada

¡Arriba las Manos! (Hands up!) music disk for the c64

A few weeks ago, we, the Pungas de Villa Martelli, released “¡Arriba las Manos!”, a music disk for the Commodore 64. It includes ten 8-bit songs, an animated hi-res graphic, an easter-egg, and you can control it with a joystick, or a mouse or the keyboard! Not even Apple puts so much love in the UX like us (the future is the c64!) ...

May 30, 2016 · 1 min · ricardoquesada

UniJoystiCle v0.2 coming soon

UniJoystiCle v0.2 coming soon. Changes in v0.2: [NEW] - ESP8266 device: supports 2 joysticks (uses three 4066 ICs instead of two [NEW] - ESP8266 firmware uses AP mode by default. Uses SSID “unijosyticle” + last 2 bytes of mac address [NEW] - iOS Client: Can be configured to use either joystick port [NEW] - iOS Client: Auto-discover ESP8266 firmware using mDNS [NEW] - iOS Client: UniJoystiCle mode also supports up, down and fire (jump) [FIX] - Name: Renamed project from Uni-Joysti-Cle to UniJoystiCle (easier to search, shorter to type) [FIX] - ESP8266 device: replaced NodeMCU LoLin with NodeMCU Amica [FIX] - Sophisticated Glue Material: Uses gaffer tape, instead of duct tape

April 23, 2016 · 1 min · ricardoquesada