UniJoystiCle v0.2 coming soon.
Changes in v0.2:
- [NEW] - ESP8266 device: supports 2 joysticks (uses three 4066 ICs instead of two
- [NEW] - ESP8266 firmware uses AP mode by default. Uses SSID “unijosyticle” + last 2 bytes of mac address
- [NEW] - iOS Client: Can be configured to use either joystick port
- [NEW] - iOS Client: Auto-discover ESP8266 firmware using mDNS
- [NEW] - iOS Client: UniJoystiCle mode also supports up, down and fire (jump)
- [FIX] - Name: Renamed project from Uni-Joysti-Cle to UniJoystiCle (easier to search, shorter to type)
- [FIX] - ESP8266 device: replaced NodeMCU LoLin with NodeMCU Amica
- [FIX] - Sophisticated Glue Material: Uses gaffer tape, instead of duct tape